oh...btw, are you concerned with rusting at all...
They are aluminum so they can't rust. Upkeep is no different than an aluminum wheel. Throw a little aluminum polish on a soft cloth every once in a while, and your good to go. The more polished the aluminum is, the easier the upkeep. Then you can wax it along with the boat for protection against the elements. I am going to pull off the aluminum clamps for my flight clips and polish them too!Nautique... The final step up.
I thought the plates were aluminum...what about the screws? If they are steel and you removed the paint "protecting" them, do you think they'll rust. Or do you know if they are stainless steel? We have the invert clips, so polishing up these intakes would ice the cake for our boat.
The screws are stainless steel, just with a machine finish. (Not smoothed out). Put some Mothers Mag Polish on a rag, lay it on a smooth hard surface, and take the screws one at a time and rub the face of it back and forth on the polish. The hotter the metal gets, the softer it gets. (The faster it will polish up). It will slowly turn into a mirror finish. Took me about fifteen minutes to do all of them.Nautique... The final step up.
I know you'll be pleased with the outcome. Only thing better would be to make them out of stainless and polish those. Then upkeep would be next to zero. I would, but noticed they have been put into a press and bent to keep with the contour of the boat. They have just the slightest arch to them.Nautique... The final step up.