I grew up skiing behind an 84 Ski Centurion, which my parents still own to this day. It has always been a great boat and I love it but as a young kid we had two friends we would always go camping with who were Nautique owners. I spent countless hours starring at their boats on the water and on the trailer in our camp site, hoping that some day I would own a Nautique. Well, the time has come and I bought the same year and model boat I grew up gawking at - 1995 Ski Nautique. It has less than 300 hours on it and I used to frquent the dealership as a kid which it was purchased new from. In fact, I have all of the original owners docs and binder, including a hand written thank you note from the dealership to the original owner! My wife and I have a 7 month old baby girl who we cant wait to introduce to lake life and the unforgettable family memories and bond it creates!
Humbled and grateful to be part of the Nautique family for years to come!
Humbled and grateful to be part of the Nautique family for years to come!