First off, thank you to the site administrators, vendors and members. Great site, easy to navigate, I have learned so much in 2 weeks.
We picked up our first Ski Nautique a few weeks ago. Its an 03 SANTE. The exterior gelcoat is in really nice condition. The interior is ok although many pieces have been reupholstered in a mediocre way. I have spent the last two weeks undoing all of the wrong done by the previous owners. Stereo wiring was total garbage and had to be tossed, hose installs were all leaking, ballast bags were covered in mold/mildew and all leaking, the transmission dipstick is broken off in the transmission, cast rudder bracket is broken on all four corners, I could go all day. Mechanically it seems to be running really well, one of my biggest concerns though is the amount of rust on the block. There is heavy scale rust all over the block and whatever was used to protect it at one point is just falling off everywhere in huge chunks. I plan to wire wheel what I can get to this winter and repaint it. The bilge was also full of old oil, I've been cleaning it out daily and its looking much better. So far I have changed the oil/oil filter, replaced leaking hoses, re routed all ballast hoses, installed blower and hose, re installed bow battery and begun replacing all of the non insulated butt connectors used by PO. It has port/starboard 650 Sumo bags on factory pumps, factory belly tank and it had a bow mounted 675lb sumo with secondary pump that I removed as lake Greenwood in SC is small and gets rough when busy. Its a family boat so there will be a handful of drivers, I didn't want my sister nose diving it due to the bow Sumo. We do plan to surf it though so I may have to re-install it. Going to need advice so hopefully this will be the place to find it. Taking it out again next weekend then having the prop rebuilt.

Mid way through engine compartment cleanup.

Of course the trailer needs work too. The lower roller is off in this pic as I repair it. We really like the boat and are looking forward to getting it back in the condition that it belongs in.
We picked up our first Ski Nautique a few weeks ago. Its an 03 SANTE. The exterior gelcoat is in really nice condition. The interior is ok although many pieces have been reupholstered in a mediocre way. I have spent the last two weeks undoing all of the wrong done by the previous owners. Stereo wiring was total garbage and had to be tossed, hose installs were all leaking, ballast bags were covered in mold/mildew and all leaking, the transmission dipstick is broken off in the transmission, cast rudder bracket is broken on all four corners, I could go all day. Mechanically it seems to be running really well, one of my biggest concerns though is the amount of rust on the block. There is heavy scale rust all over the block and whatever was used to protect it at one point is just falling off everywhere in huge chunks. I plan to wire wheel what I can get to this winter and repaint it. The bilge was also full of old oil, I've been cleaning it out daily and its looking much better. So far I have changed the oil/oil filter, replaced leaking hoses, re routed all ballast hoses, installed blower and hose, re installed bow battery and begun replacing all of the non insulated butt connectors used by PO. It has port/starboard 650 Sumo bags on factory pumps, factory belly tank and it had a bow mounted 675lb sumo with secondary pump that I removed as lake Greenwood in SC is small and gets rough when busy. Its a family boat so there will be a handful of drivers, I didn't want my sister nose diving it due to the bow Sumo. We do plan to surf it though so I may have to re-install it. Going to need advice so hopefully this will be the place to find it. Taking it out again next weekend then having the prop rebuilt.
Mid way through engine compartment cleanup.
Of course the trailer needs work too. The lower roller is off in this pic as I repair it. We really like the boat and are looking forward to getting it back in the condition that it belongs in.