Seems somehow fitting that the boat showed up on halloween and the girls were boarding in costumes. I'd never driven a G23 prior to this and was surprised at how heavy it felt in comparison to our 230. The boat really doesn't like to turn right, and even with the steering assist (thruster) with the flood tide of the delta had trouble staying positioned relative to a rider. I clearly have some practicing to do. On the other hand, the wake and the surf wave were brilliant - a huge improvement!! Everyone loved the extra room, and the larger bimini. The surprise hit of the day was the last option I added to the boat that I truly thought we'd never use - but turns out to be crucial - the boarding ladder!

Originally posted by pitts12driver View Postit might have been smarter to drive one first!
I know I can drive anything so I dont worry about the bigger boat but I worry that my wife will have a hard time adjusting.
I'm sure after 20 hours you'll be feeling pretty good about it....
I got hammered by a Tsunami wave up the transom right from the go. That was probably my biggest surprise...
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1,000 Post Club Member
- Jan 2004
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- 2021 G23 Previous 2015 G21 2010 226 2005 226 2000 Super Air
Awesome looking boat. Love the colors. Mine on order is similar but with a black rear hull. About the boarding ladder comment....I would NOT get this boat without it...especially since they raised the platform higher from the water from the previous gen G's. Boarding ladder more important then the stern thruster in my world. Enjoy!!!
looks great - i will be looking for you out on the Delta come spring - similar to you i just went out and bought a '21 GS24 without test driving, but LOVE IT - pay attention to the check valves on the ballast (becoming a common problem where dash says "0" but really may have 700 extra lbs) - boat will feel like driving a tank at speed and will be super heavy to steer at speed and boat will sit high on driver side - thanks to this forum to help me figure it out as dealership couldn't replicate in shop.