i put 1800 lbs of semi automatic ballast in my SS, its very fast and effective, there are however manual valves that must be dealt with on filling and draining. I could send pics if you are interested. PM me... i also live in austin so we could possible get the boats together for an install
If you are going to Lake Houston, there really is no worry about stumps if you stay south of the train trestle. When you go past that is where all the underwater hazzards are.
I have never been on the river around kingwood, unless it is the same part that can be accessed via lake houston. I Have traveled north up the river untill the boat would not float any more. I even went as far as emptying the ballast, and getting out to push the boat across some shallow sections to get into some "pot holes".
Sommerville, is good if you stay out of the very end of the lake, and the section on the to the south with the tree sticking up. In the attached picture they are the area circled in red.
Most of the inboards hangout in Ski Cove (Circled in blue).
sorry holllywood but the drinking and boating you promote on your website is way more dangerous than wakesurfing so idiots wakesurf but total edited by admin for not conforming to the site terms of use drink and boat. you guys have great skills. just take it easy on the drinking while on the water your gona get someone killed.