DMS2610 if it's not frozen, get a dry suit and go ski! If you do it regularly you will get used to/tolerate the cold!
I think you will be glad you have little time to get familiar with everything, there is a little learning curve. Practice with the toggle and pad on the arm rest, before long you will be able to negotiate all that without glancing down. Run your ballasts at different fill levels, and wake/wave settings to get a feel for wave shape and dynamics (that looks good, or doesn't), dependent on weight and passenger load. Starts, stops & turns, coming back to pick up the man down. I had all the kids practice nosing into a buoy, and just barely touching it with the bow. Total train wreck at 1st, but they eventually got good at it, which helped them immensely with their trailering skills. If you can get a day with a little wind, that practice drill will help you negotiate slipping in for wind correction.
Keep plenty of ice in the freezer for the soar jaw the next day from smiling!
OK, I have lots and lots of hours driving the 2013 G23 and there is one thing you need to know. This was the first year of the G23 and the throttle/shifter... isn't the best. There's nothing that can't be overcome, but it does have a quirk you're going to need to know about:
In short, it can sometimes be hard to tell if the shifter is locked into the neutral position or just barely in forward or reverse. There isn't much feedback from the shifter when you come back to neutral. To handle this, I started doing what I called "The Wiggle." Any time I was driving this boat and I pulled off to neutral, I'd wiggle the shifter a little front/back to make SURE it was in neutral. After a while, this just became second-nature. I sometimes still do it even on later model boats that have a different shifter mechanism.
I'm very pleased to report that I have been lucky to get a place at Chasewater Wakeboard Club and for my boat to be stored at the lake. I went to the AGM last week and it was great to meet some of the members, introduce myself and let them know I'm hoping for pointers lol. On the 23rd of this month my son and I are taking our SBDA and ICC with the club as this is sensibly mandatory to drive a boat here.
Finally, I took a few pictures of the lake so you guys can see where my G23 will finally get some action
Last edited by DMS2610; 03-11-2024, 08:52 AM.
Hi All….so the day finally came when I got my pride and joy on the water. It has been a long process of bringing this boat back to nice condition and I'm still waiting on a new swim deck for the final jigsaw piece. We have had one added complication, as while driving to the lake, a young woman driver decided to change 3 lanes and just drove into my trailer at an angle of about 40 degrees. Her fault entirely, and I have no idea how she could not see it, but £7000 of damage including bent trailer axle….no damage to the boat luckily so her insurance will be coughing up nonetheless. That has not dampened our spirits, and my son and I are so pleased to be part of this amazing community. He was brave (or dumb) enough to go in the water yesterday even though outside temp was only 11deg Celsius (51F), so the water was so cold he only managed 20 mins, but it gave him his first attempts at wakeboarding and has fuelled his desire to ride in warmer weather. Hope you guys like the pics!
Ugh! Sorry about the trailer, but at least your boat was unharmed!
Awesome that your son got some time in the water. I'm still a couple of weeks from de-hibernating mine, but I convinced our daughter (10 YO) to hop into our nearest lake with me yesterday (sans wetsuit)--sunny and low 70s F, but by my internal thermometer, the water can't be more than low 40s F. Brr! We had a beautiful weekend but are back to mid 50s with some rain after today. We totally need the moisture, so I'm fine with that.
Wow, you've got to have your nose buried in the phone to not see a G on a trailer. Whoa, $8700 US in damage, she got that trailer good. Glad the boat survived, and you are ok.
Always nervous rolling down our backroad Highways with a car sitting on the sidelines at the stop sign. All my laser beam blaster lights come on and a hand on the air horn if I see their front tire even begin to move. Have a buddy the ended his run to the lake one day with his boat and trailer upside down in a field. The story kind of got stuck in my head.
Lake opens today but crumby weather this week. Prepping the boat this weekend, and shooting for next week on the water. Been hitting the trampoline and tramp board, it's been a long Winter, dang I'm out of shape, pant pant weez, lol.
Let's go!
I know that out of shape feeling, but I hold on to the thought that "round is a shape"
Yes, the water here is crazy cold, I'm probably 6 weeks off being brave enough but at least we water time of some sort and a shake down of a refurbed boat. 2 minor issues…..the depth gauge reads 100ft all the time, clearly broken and the port side ballast says 75% when empty so need those minor things looking at. I just arrived home to read these comments and it began to hail….it's still cold here sadly and has been our wettest winter ever so we deserve a dry summer
Curious--is that big P20 on the bow a license/registration or marina identifier or what? Kind of sucks that you have to put that on there. Of course, MN generally picks the ugliest colors possbile for our registration stickers (I think my current one is an awful orange), but at least it's only a 3" x 3" sticker, and our registration #s are up to the owner, so long as they meet size requirements and are of a contrasting color.