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I've got a 94 Excel open bow and love it. I also have an 87 Martinique and an 89 SN...okay its an addicition...and the Excel is sort of a hybrid between those two. I love the performance and handling of the SN but it gets too crowded with our family of 5 plus gear. The Martinique has tons of room but its not as sporty. The Excel holds the whole famly plus friends, good wake, and IMO looks good too. Plus, since it has the proboss the extra horse power makes a difference on the performance too. I could'nt be happier.
Wakeslayer, what weight combination works best for you?
im really looking forward to getting it in the water.
I picked it up last weekend with no trailer, found a trailer for it yesterday hope to have it by the weekend, i have it on blocks in my shop right now.
got a screamin deal on her. she needs work but in the end i think it will be worth it.
she shows 164 hrs on the clock boat sat in salt for a while so its got lots of corusion under the engine cover, we are working on getting it all cleaned up and running pulled the starter yesterday ugliest starter ive ever seen ill try to post some pics of it later today.
WILL BE painting the trailer, and modifying it to fit the nautique. i was going to buy a new custom trailer but its a 4 week wait for a new one wiht out the boat! sucky!
Good looking boat Sanddragon, I would have to say that our boats are twins. I wish I only paid $1500 for mine but its worth every penny I paid for it anyway. I am looking forward to seeing how the restoration goes on that vessel so keep the pictures coming. I PM'd you some questions by the way.
Good Luck
had a 92 Barefoot, loved it. The original wakeboard boat !!
Gotta agree. I got the 91 BFN 454 7.4ltr 530 hrs
The shear weight of the rear mount, makes this an awesome wake shaper "Go Big Block or Go Home"
It's winter here (sucks) and I am finally restoring ours to its original. I am taking photos. I stripped the boat completely, and I mean every little piece has come off. Got the last bit of sanding to do, then the buffing starts and then the reassembly. Got the re-upholstered seats back (they are cluttering up the garage)
I have stripped the swim platform into 20 odd little pieces of teak, plained each one down by a hair then sanded, if it weren't for bloody fathers day I would be putting it all back together this weekend and adding oil.
What type of person lets a boat like that get so outa shape. There should be a law against "Boat Abuse".
Sanddragon, she's a great buy and jeez for that price. Spend some time 'n fix her up! it will be worth it, considering you can fetch 10 x the price you paid..... Good Luck..