I have a 1996 Super Sport Nautique and was thinking about removing the graphics and applying 04 SAN graphics like yours. How did you remove the original graphics on yours? Do you have any pics of before and after? Looking GOOD!!!
I didn't do the work, my service guy at the marina did it. He said they came off really easy, however, I'm unsure what he used. The new graphics were $500 from CC. I replaced everything. I don't have any old pics, GOTWAKE posted a picture of his 98 ProAir he used to have. It's under "Show Us Your Nautique" forum. I like the new graphics alot more than the original. I'm sure your 96 will benefit the same way. Good Luck!
I actually sent back the three blade and went with a new 4-blade with a little more pitch. The 3-blade was not good when the boat was weighted down and it did not improve hole shot. The new 4-blade is pretty nice. I'll find out the part number and post it for you. I ordered the graphics from Mid West Correct Craft. Really easy! I have part numbers for those if you are interested. Do you have any pics of your Pro Air?