just wanted everybodys opinion on my 1991 ski
RE: my ski
What a nice looking rig. The FCT tower looks like nearly a factory option for how nice the lines flow. Great work.
Thanks for all the nice comments and to answer your question about beaching my boat is because i have spent countless hours on my gell coat and it looks like a brand new boat it never has put a mark on my boat i cut it off jump off my boat and me and a buddy lift it up and sit it on the sand i wouldnt put my baby in harms way i was wondering how much my boat could bring i am trying to jump start my buisness and i would love to have an air in the near future Thanks
i dont have anything in it yet but i can tell you how i am going to make it i will take a make a triangle box that comforms to my boat hull and slip it all the way to the front either one 15 or 2 10s but i always check the specs on my speakers how much air it needs to sound good and no matter what shape my box is block it off from the inside in my 1991 i will have plenty of room i had 2 10s in my 86 ski 2 amps and still had some room. i have 4 speakers in the stock position and 4 speakers on the tower my boat is loud now i just need some bass on the 1991 there are stock speaker holes already cut out you just have to put a hole in your interior but it came out looking good.
yeah that is basically what i was thinking about doing.....i have done a lot of car stereos but never a boat so this is going to be an experimental project, so far i have put together 4 clarions for the factory mounting points and a 12' solo baric for the sub, plus a 1200 watt marine amp
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- Jul 2003
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- San Francisco, CA
- Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous
SN sub box
I did two 8" subs in a little box above the raised area in front of the driver's footplate on my 1995 SN. The 8's were the biggest speaker I could fit in the location. I went through three sets of 8" subs and ended up with a pair of Parts Express 8" Quatro subs that sounded great. You do not need as much woofer in a closed bow. Obviously they were not as strong as my current 2 x 12" setup but the two 8's were a great compliment to the Evids on my tower and Infinity 6.5" boat speakers.
If I were to do it again I would just build up the sides and seal them with foam. Building a complete box with complex angles to follow the hull was a biatch.
Closed bow box and sub setup
I picked up this '92 BFN last year from a friend in my hometown. He built the box and installed everything so I'm sure he would have the specs on the box if y'all are interested. He put two 10" Soundstream subs and powered them with a 800 watt amp. The big amp is the four channel 1200 watt that pushes the four tower speakers and the four interior speakers(although I have the interior unplugged since I have the tower and two molded tweeters in the dash). This system sounds great and has plenty of bass for anyone. I am quite a sound enthusiast so I'd be the first to point out it's flaws. I do sometimes wish I had two 12" for the super low frequencies and for the extra sound when it's turned all the way up but that's just me getting greety. He mentioned that I could probably put 12's in if I bolted them with the magnets on the outside....just don't want to screw up a good thing that I already have going.