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Priced about the same as a monster tower. If you check ebay they have a few Krypt towers which are being bid on and look like they could go for less than the MSRP. The look pretty good though for a universal.
Just bought it from Ian at onlyinboards.com, looks good, seems sturdy but haven't installed it yet. I have a lot of friends running the Monster, but I like to be different. I'll let you know when I get it installed.
I just put one on my 1990 Sport Nautique last week. I've riden on it 3 times now and I really like it. It doesn't flex much for a universal and i can already tell the difference in how much air I am getting. The install took me and 3 friends about seven hours. Half that time was spent just getting the mounting positions ready. We had to scrape out a bunch of foam under the gunnels and take out the pannels under the dash board and observer's seat to access the foward mounting area. I ditched the backing plates that came with it and improvised with my own that were larger to spread out the surface area a little more. My only complaint is that the bolts that are used in the mounting could stand to be longer. I barely had the length needed to get it done, but that was partly due to the use of my own backing plates. All in all I feel like I got a great tower for the money (I paid $1335 for the tower and a board rack). I was also looking at Monster Towers and Big Air's H2O Tower. I liked the look of the Krypt/Bullet Lines Tower better than the Monster and it was a little less expensive. I decided to pass on the Big Air Tower even though it was the most affordable because it had a thiner diameter on the tubing and the Krypt tower had a cleaner mount (Big Air's has quick release knobs that are handy, but make the mounting point look kind of busy).