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I have a 93 SN and would like to get a boom to make it easier to teach my kids to ski. Which one should I get? Also if any one has a used they would like to sell please contact me.
You'd be fine with a straight boom. They are cheaper and easier to find that those "bent" ones! Used ones are just fine as they are fairly robust and do hold their value.
See if this guy still has this boom, he is a Nautique fanatic!
Call (980)581-0006 or email me directly at pcarpenter2@carolina.rr.com
After using both the straight and bent (BI versions)....I love the bent boom better. And I bought the height adjustment add-on. That makes it even nicer. I use the BI version and like those a whole lot. They are wicked strong.
88 Ski Nautique
99 Sport Nautique
Currently - 07 Nautique 216 Team
'18 SAN 210 Reef Blue/Admiral Blue Metal Flake
'12 SAN 210 TE Black/Masters Blue
'09 SAN 210 TE Black/Fury Red
'08 Air 216 TE
'02 Air 216
'98 Sport Nautique
'89 MC Prostar 190