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We sell Masterline products directly thru our club. Before you purchase a rope, handle, gloves or any related gear, shoot me an e-mail and I'll quote you a price.
One way to upset members is to post the same thing in multiple places. You have been a member for a long time and should already realize that people will read all of the new posts. We know you are trying to get your info out to as many people as possible, but respect our ability to read through the posts without spam.
SocBum ------- 2002 SAN <== Current Boat 1987 American Skier Advance <==First Boat
Socbum - sorry for the offensive duplicate - didn't intend to upset the apple cart! I DON'T read all new posts under every heading therefore, I assumed there may be others who behave in a similar fashion. I'm trying to provide a service thru our club - we don't make any money on this - simply a service to Nautique owners. Again, I apologize for the duplicate. We are about to place a large order and anyone who participates can benefit from reduced costs/shipping charges.
Mark - please send the "forum manners" guide to me when you are finished reading it!! See ya next weekend!
Man, with all the things going on in the world right now, we give a guy a hard time for duplicating a post...when he is trying to save us a few $$$$$????? I'm confused!
MULTIPLE POSTS,,,DUPLICATE POSTS,,,,,,,,,COME ON GUYS WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL HERE,,WHEN SELLING SOMETHING TO HELP SAVE BUXS,,.IF YOU DON'T LIKE TO READ IT AGAIN,"" then Don't...go on the the next post..........He is just reminding us of good deals.........And in this world today,I think we all could use some....
Two of everything? Give me an address to drop-ship it to :shock:
As for multiple orders, that's typically not a problem. We place an order every two weeks or so as folks need things. The initial order we place in March each year is relatively large in order to reduce the shipping costs.