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looking for old liquid force super suction binding parts
looking for old liquid force super suction binding parts
does anyone know where to get any parts for the old blue and grey super suction bindings? Or, does anyone have any that are in good or not so good condition they are willing to get fid of? thanks!
RE: looking for old liquid force super suction binding parts
I think i still have a set of those, but i will have to dig around in the closet to be sure. I do have a set of Ultra Suctions from around the same time that are in great shape, blue & white size L. Let me know if you are interested in those.
RE: looking for old liquid force super suction binding parts
ohh, it's what i ride, i just don't make enough money to get a new pair, besides, as little as i ride and since i've had them since like 99 or 2000, they feel great.
well, i figured out how to fix the ripped bootie part. I just bought some neoprene rubber, pieced the old parts together, traced them, and then cut them out with a razor. it wasn't a big deal at all, and they work great now.
****.. u just brought me back a few years! I went through about 5 sets of these for the same reason... i used to crank down the overlays to make them tighter and it would always cause them to rip
Very inventive. Good for you jpate. Now you're ready to go if you have the same problem again.
And if they're comfortable, ride them until they can't be ridden anymore. All wakeboard boots are not created equally. Comfort is key. I know when I ride if my feet are hurting, I just don't want to ride anymore.
BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05