Do the blem skis ski any different or is it purely cosmetic? Should some be concerned in getting a new 2008 obrien SS blem for $350. Is there any difference between the 2008 and 2009 SS
RE: DemoD or blem skis SS
To me a blem is a great way to save money, I have never had any issues with them. Cant answer your question about the changes to the sixam ss. I picked up a sixam 2.0 last week and really like it.2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
RE: DemoD or blem skis SS
no problems here. Mine was purely cosmetic and was a good cost savings.