SV-211 Wakesurfing

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  • FatBoy
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Mar 2004
    • 756

    • Eastern North Carolina

    SV-211 Wakesurfing

    How do you 211 guys weight your boat for wakesurfing? Mine has no ballest tanks and we have been riding the wake with a couple of people on the back corner. It does pretty good but I think some weight would be better. I have also found that the wake is better with the boat in Slalom mobe (at 10.5 MPH) as opposed to Wakeboard mode. I have some lead and am making some weights so just wondering how some others set thiers up.
    Life is Short, Live it!
  • AirNautique211
    • Mar 2025
    • 316

    • Central Indiana

    Hey Fatboy!

    I fill the belly tank and starboard tank, put everyone in the boat behind the driver and run in slalom mode - 8.5 - 9 MPH is where we like it. Keep a little bit of right side turn in the wheel for a really tight, crisp edge on the wake. The wake gets better than three feet high and you can just about step onto the platform from the board.

    That's about 500 pounds of weight in the middle to right rear - or about 1 case of beer in the cooler and 3 - 4 well endowed women surrounding the drivers seat - whichever you perfer.

    Life is Short, Live it!!


    • FatBoy
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Mar 2004
      • 756

      • Eastern North Carolina

      Thanks for the info. I am going to put 300 pounds under the bow and 400 pounds in the rear, 200 on each side. It will be easy to move it all to one side for surfing.

      I thought it was strange that the wave had better shape in slalom mode, didn't you? Wakeboard mode made mine washed out at the top while slalom mode makes it crisp and clean. Also what board do you ride? I ride the new Tsunami, (see link below) it is the only board I have ever owned or ridden for that matter. We really like it. One thing good about surfing, we had a kid that went with us from time to time and never could get up on a wakeboard. He tried surfing and it took him about four tries to get up and surf. The next time he tried wakeboarding, he got right up.
      Life is Short, Live it!


      • AirNautique211
        • Mar 2025
        • 316

        • Central Indiana

        That should be plenty of weight - it just seems rough to have to haul all of that around all of it the time. Tamks would be a big plus - I remember we talked about it previously.

        It is odd about the slalom mode - to tell you the truth, we don't use the wakeboard mode at all. If we do, we only run with the gate set on 2. The 211 with full balast will launch a rider, gate or no gate.

        We have a Hyperlite Landlock and HO Kona - both baords are built nearly the same and are easy to ride. We usually keep the rope in hand for extra pull to keep it going, but there is slack 90% of the time. It is nice to be able to surf when the lake goes to **** mid-day with boats - you can pretty much surf during any conditions. The worst thing is the attraction of the waverunners - they really dig the huge wave.

        You are right, surfing is an easy step to wakeboarding due to the short rope. Try short lining the kid next time he/she has trouble learning to wakeboard. The angle off of the tower on a short rope pretty much pop the rider straight up.


        • Justin1933
          • Feb 2005
          • 240

          • Orange County, CA

          • 2005 SV-211

          What do you do for the guys who are regular foot and want to ride on the left side of the wake? I hate to ride backside....

