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That is the factory cover from CC directly. I would strongly recommend not getting it. I have had one before and they don't fit very well and they aren't waterproff. They also have the drawstring in the front which is a real pain. They cost more but try www.skiboatcovers.com
OK....Thanks about the cover,,I got a New cover with the straps on the sides thats real good..I keep my boat in My Garage anyway..Cover it with a Moorning cover in the Winter..Just throught a Correctcraft Factory would like Better..Glad you told me a little about them..So I will just stick with what I got..Thanks Again....
I have a factory cover, and feel it fits well. I even tow with it on the boat at times. It does have the draw srting around the entire parimeter of the boat, and the two velcro flaps for the string tightening ratchets. It also goes around the feet of the tower well. Now about it being waterproof, no it is not perfect, but it is fairly good.