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I know Liquid Force and Hyperlite have some kids' models. Just grab whatever is cheap and available, as she won't be using it for a very long time and she probably won't care too much about the type of rocker, fin setup, core material, etc
My kids learned on a hyperlite Motive 121. Anything in that size range (119-121) should be something a 6 year old can handle and not outgrow for a couple years. Unfortunately for you I just gave mine to a 6 year old or I'd have made you a good deal.
CWB hinge bidings help young ones to get the board on & off by themselves
My kids learned on a hyperlite Voyager 121. Anything in that size range (119-121) should be something a 6 year old can handle and not outgrow for a couple years. Unfortunately for you I just gave mine to a 6 year old or I'd have made you a good deal.
CWB hinge bidings help young ones to get the board on & off by themselves