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Jeff mentioned a gift for 1000+ posters. My thought (back then) was PN guide pads. I looked and couldn't find them.
AirTool, thanks for the reply. I looked at the classic thongs, but think I would draw to much attention wearing those on the water!
I found just the Nautique guides on the net for $28 a pair, guess I will go with them.
AirTool, thanks for the reply. I looked at the classic thongs, but think I would draw to much attention wearing those on the water!
I found just the Nautique guides on the net for $28 a pair, guess I will go with them.
You are welcome. I'm interested in guide pads with no writing at all. Let me know if you found any of those just plain black.
You are welcome. I'm interested in guide pads with no writing at all. Let me know if you found any of those just plain black.
I agree with AirTool, go all black. The ones with the white lettering tend to rub off on the rub rails and are a PITA to get off. The Nautique ones do look good though.
1986 SN 2001 (Previous Boat)
Smith Lake, AL & Lake Mitchell, AL