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Just like the title says I broke my 67.5 sixam SS and need a new ski. What do you suggest, what do you have. I actually liked the older red/blue Sixam a bit better than the SS.
Wow, were you riding it, or driving over it? Hope it didnt hurt you, if you were on it.
I've gone from a sixam 2.0 to an elite, and love it, my ski bud when from a sixam ss to the elite also. His started to delaminate. There are some elites starting at 500.00 on ski it again. I spend about as much time free skiiing as in the course, and the elite likes either. There are plenty of other good ski's out now, I've also had my eye on the reflex hybrid.....looks cool, and the usa distributor works at my local cc dealer. I know they are looking to move some of them.
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
Skiing on it, goofing around. I was out behind my 211 with some wakeboarders, jumped the wake and did a tail grab, probably broke it when I landed. I really didn't even notice it. It was the end of my ride, I was tired, made one turn after jumping the wake, overturned and dropped the handle ending my run. A few days later when I pulled it out of the case I noticed it was broken.
Mike, I'm pretty sure you emailed me about the 67 Sixam 1.0 I have on SIA, but if not, I have one for sale. Not cosmetically perfect, but skis well and was given the thumbs up by O'Brien in 2009. Probably fewer than 10 sets on it since that time, if that.
Just received an email from the dealer and it looks like Obrien will warranty the ski! Great company. We are now just trying to figure out what they will send me. I might also grab that ski from you Doug if it makes sense. I will email you back.