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Sounds like we’re going to have to ditch this idea. Due to the fact that “Nautique” is actually owned by Correct Craft the screen printers I have talked to do not have permission to create these.
Sounds like we’re going to have to ditch this idea. Due to the fact that “Nautique” is actually owned by Correct Craft the screen printers I have talked to do not have permission to create these.
Luke, so Planetnautique wouldn't be ok either? I'd like that better than a standard Nautique logo.
Got lucky today. Dropped off my boat for Services and the dealership had some bumper pads with the Nautique logo and the dealer logo in a color that matched perfectly. Not sure where they got them but their really nice.
Luke and Nautiquejeff... I am the owner of Fundamental Watersports and have talked to quite a few of the members here about Nautique stuff like guide pads and tire covers. We can make these with the PlanetNautique.com name depending on who owns the right to that specific name. We cannot print the Nautique logo but PlanetNautique should be OK unless it is owned by Correct Craft. Does anyone know for sure? Thoughts?? Anyone can email us directly or I will keep an eye on this forum as well. sales@fundamentalwatersports.com
What is CC's issue here, most companies would jump at the chance for some free publicity.
I will be very surprised if they can stop you from using PlanetNautique or PlanetNautique.com especially as you already use it on the other stuff!.
Have CC registered Nautique as a trade make?
What do any French readers think about that possibility?
I bought a nautique shock tube from Fundemental last week and it is perfect. I just assumed the Nautique logo was trademarked, but maybe only the name is in a specific font.