Looking for experience from anyone that has installed a slalom course in deep water. We have a course on the lake that we installed over 10 years ago by laying the course out on the ice and dropping individual anchors and subs for each ball and boat guide. Over the past years it is starting to look a little rough. The ski club is looking for a fix and considering a cable course. Our main concern is that in the area that we have for the course the water depth is 30 feet on one end and 60 feet at the other end. Does anyone have any experience with an EZ-slalom course in water this deep. Our other challenge is that our permit requires that we sink the course from noon Saturday to sunrise Monday.
Any advice would be appreciate before we dump nearly $2k on a course that we might not be satisfied with.
Any advice would be appreciate before we dump nearly $2k on a course that we might not be satisfied with.