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Im around 230lbs.....can any of you guys my size out there throw your opinions at me on either of these boards? Or just anyone with knowledge of the boards.
See their "board finder". I think it depends on the size of the wave you've got going behind your boat, plus your ability. . . the "board finder" gives different suggested boards when you use 200 - 250 lbs. rider weight with small wave than with large wave, for instance. Same for beginner or advanced.
I'm between 195 - 200; I started with a Blue Lake Quad and it was great for a couple seasons, now I have the Swallow V2.
At 230 with a wave without a lot of "push" I could see the Sweet Spot "pearling" (nose dive and swamp, leading to a fall). With the right wave here's a look at one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3ON9-E-PUU
alright guys thanks for the feedback....HS have you had bigger guys close to my size ride your swallow? I have a good size wave so thats not an issue. I just want to hear it from someone with a swallow or blue lake that my weight def wouldnt be an issue. I know it gives weight limitations on their website I just didnt know how true they were.
I am 6'2 210 and ride the Swallow with no problem behind my SAN 210. Have had my 5 yr old daughter that weighs 40 lbs on my shoulders and was able to go ropeless easily and do some slashing too. Definitely wasnt sinking with her on. I am a novice surfer as this is was my upgrade from Hyperlite Broadcast. I believe the Swallow is more advanced than the Blue Lake so I would definitely go with the Swallow.