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Hey guys, I am wanting to add some fatsacs to my boat for wakesurfing? I am new to fat sacs and have no idea where to start with them..
What is your ideal setup for surfing?
+1 for Wakemakers
I plumbed in two 400lb sacs in the rear lockers on top of the stock tanks. Some have used 750lb sacs but you have to watch you dont over fill the lockers.
We surf a lot with only two boat works well .
+1 for Wakemakers.
Look into their "piggyback system", it works very well for us. We got the 750 lbs bag and it fits nicely in the rear locker. One thing that we are noticing is that we cannot fill it completely as we don't have enough weight in the front (even with belly full). So I will either need to look for some lead weights or add another fat sac in the front.
Nevertheless, if you are on a budget and just want to test the water with a fat sac, I recommend that system. It's very nice to be able to fill and empty the sac using just the driver's console. Also, Wakemaker provides all the fittings.
Second the motion for a 750 (probably filled to 600) on the surf-side locker. Use your moveable weights (people) to balance out front-to-back weight. We usually use about 10 mph but my buddy's PP is not working so that is not exact. It's a very nice wave. Plenty of push so you won't be constantly dropping people off the back of the wave. Some people like the piggyback system. I think it's too slow. The real answer is to add another thru-hull and a Johnson pump. The 750 (all the way full) takes about 7 minutes to fill under this setup. Maybe that is a winter project if you like doing these type of things. I just added three johnson pumps to my 99 SN so I can convert from slalom to surf in less than 10 minutes. (I live on my lake with a slalom course but the whole neighborhood has got the surf bug...i guess a 200 Sport is in my future!)
Okay guys, so now my dad and i are hooked on the piggyback system, now which fat sac to get?
From what i've read it seems a 750 in the 210 may not fit or may cause problems.. (correct me if im wrong.) So do you guys suggest the 565lb bag? or the 400lb bag?
Agree, the 750 is the way to go. With 2 or 3 cycles of the pump you will fill nearly completely. You will need to add more weight / people upfront to balance it out
750 will fit, I had some concerns but it fits just fine. I rearrange stuff I store in the lockers so that on the empty cycle it's not pressed flat due to the weight of items in storage. Definitely needed if you really want a primo surf wave! Up front I went with the center locker arrow sac tied into the belly tank. I also have 200 pounds of pop bags I put on the surf side both up front and back when we have a light crew.
If I were you I would wait and see what that new Ronix system is like. On the surface it looks like it would be the perfect thing for surfing. 750-1000 lbs and fills and drains in 90 secs. you could buy one and move it from side to side as still have if ready to go in less time than one fat sac.
If I were you I would wait and see what that new Ronix system is like. On the surface it looks like it would be the perfect thing for surfing. 750-1000 lbs and fills and drains in 90 secs. you could buy one and move it from side to side as still have if ready to go in less time than one fat sac.
Ronix just announced a new ballast system at surf expo called the Eight.3 system. If you google it, wakemakers has a short you tube video of it draining. Not much info out about it yet, but should be coming out in the next few weeks.