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Hey guys looking for a a good board for my boys. Age 8 and 6 and weight 65 lbs and 45lbs. The oldest will be ready to get a little aggressive this season.
Look for a skim style and they might need one with a few fins until they get stable when riding. Surf Style would be too big for a little guy to manage (too much bulk and float).
It was a lot easier for my kids to get up using the WB style ("pro start") because they had a little trouble with the "flip" technique.
Towanza made up an IS Black Pearl for me with 3 fins. . .they now ride it with one small center fin. Spent some time on the phone with Todd and went with his suggestion, and my young riders are pretty happy with the Black Pearl.
Edit: the avatar is a photo of my youngest when he was learning.
Definitely look at phase 5. We have the icon. My 5,10 yr old, and 125 lb wife all ride it well. It is fast and maneuverable, definitely one they can grow into.. Seems like it is more stable for the lighter riders and wants to slide and spin with the heavier ones. It is also much more durable than inland surfer, it won't crack as easily. Would buy the icon again without question. Think it was like 400$
My 5 yr old does the tube start well bc she was too small to flip the board in water. Try that if they are having trouble getting up