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ers906, how would you get a 50-60 gallon take out of your truck?
I use 5 gallon cans and a simple siphon like the one with the hose attached. I have several larger that I could use but seems more of a pain than it's worth.
I have 8 of the VP Racing cans. They are great. They are vented, have a long filler hose, and they hold 6 gallons each.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
To play a very light devil's advocate, does anybody know the (and I use this term loosely) logic behind the change? I can see (not agree, just see) the reasoning behind other performance degrading changes such as R134 (in the process of figuring how to convert a 1979 F150 correctly) but the only thing I can come up with for these cans is reduced processes at the manufacturer so cheaper to manufacture. But if it was that then "better" cans would still exist at a price premium. This stinks of government over reach so does anybody know the reasoning behind it? I try to live by the rule to understand the opposing side's argument before you call them wrong.
These new style cans are supposed to prevent gas fumes from escaping during storage and also prevent gas spills during transport. That is why the nozzle on them has a automatically closing valve vs the old style that sometimes just had a cap. It's the same reason the gas pumps in most states have those rubber collars on them. What seems to you like a harmless small amount of gas fumes, multiplied by the couple billion times people in the US fill up with gas adds up to a significant amount.
I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying the meaning behind it. It seems to me like these new cans cause more gas spills when filling up. I will say that the newer compliant gas cans are better than the old rules compliant ones. Personally, I have been using a shaker siphon to fill up with both the new and the old style cans, so this didn't really affect me.
yep, like beach said - the non-vented cans are designed to keep the fumes inside the can or tank of whatever you are filling up. the lower flow rate means very little pressure is produced inside the tank being filled, this is not the case with vented tanks. Im not sure what damage gas fumes do to the environment, but I would imagine it wouldnt have a positive effect.
that thought had occurred to me but naturally since the tank is sucking in air during a poor (air in, not fumes out) wasn't sure if that was someone's logic. And mine doesn't have any kind of valve, but are 10 years old so may be "the old kind".