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Lag back on the wave... position your rear foot a little further forward than normal, weight a little more forward than normal... This Will help with the spin and with your balance for that moment when you are backwards on the wave..... Then race forward so you have forward momentum to help you stay on the wave....
about 2-3 feet from the platform...whip it hard... You can spade you trail hand into the wave as a paddle to assist with the spin... About 12" deep, and try to bring your lead knee to that hand....this will create a faster spin... As you come around immediately, turn your neck hard and spot the back center of the boat...and as soon as you see the back center lean forward hard on the board for speed before the wave leaves you.
Much easier on a skim than a surf style... I must have had 100+ falls before I stuck my first and rode it out. Right now I average about 20-30% on a surf style board if I am lucky!!
As far as tips go, the best ones I have done are smooth and letting the wave bring you around verse trying to carve the board. You wanna think about the spot on the wave and visualize lifting the nose of the board or less pressure on the front so it starts up the wave. I have used the back arm, but find the spin is faster with the front arm as well as it's a tighter on axis spin. The next part for me to really dial in is looking at the boat and getting the weight push forward and the Huntington hop going as soon as the spin is exited, verse a few seconds later as I was getting out into the white water. Hope to share a completed 360 video this weekend. As always get out there an keep riding, boating and enjoying the water.
Most important thing is to find the boat, that will not only stop your rotation but most important stop you from looking down at the board and over correcting little stuff that won't affect anything other then your mind.
2008 210 SAN TE (Moonraker Yellow over Midnight Blue)
I'm with these guys on tips for the 360. Took me about 150 times last season to finally get my first 360. . This season I got 4 in a row. Now I'm landing them quite often. Key is not over turning, look at the tower, keep your head up. When you are at the back of the wave and are ready to lean forward get close to the platform. That way you have time to adjust and able to stay in the wave. 2007 SV211. Love this boat. Got a great smooth wave. 9.3 mph. Close to 2000# of ballast.
Finally rode one out last night after chasing this trick for about 5 seasons. I was putting too much weight on the front should trying to turn. It turns out that more weight is on the back foot lifting the nose of the board into the wave and then just letting the wave push your body around in the 360 and then getting that front foot weight back forward again. 2 pumps and I was riding the wave. No video or pictures however there were 9 people on the boat that all vouched for me at the bar last night.
I'll get some video of a few 360's this weekend an post some more feedback and tips.