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I think Bart's, Overtons, or one of those catalogs has seals. I'm positive I've seen them in one of those catalogs. They weren't that expensive from what I remember.
2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
2016 SN 200 H5 www.Fifteenoff.com
When the first rubber seal gives/blow out on my latest O'Neill bag suit, I'm gonna think long and hard about getting a hold of some neoprene and trying to fashion arm and leg ends for the whole thing. The neck seal on this brand/type of dry suit is neoprene already and it doesn't seem to allow much water getting inside the suit during use, even when eating an early or late lunch on my board. What does anybody else think about this idea? Wild hair, or am I possibly onto something here?
I agree with MARK-S, Wiley's up here in Seattle, or Adrenaline outside of Bellevue, WA (www.waterskideals.com, 425.885.3909) does them for $35 ea installed for ankle/wrist, neck $49.
Hey Rhode, I have a drysuit with neo ankle/wrist cuffs, and neck, and besides it being comfortable, I hate it. The ankle/wrist cuffs don't keep out the water AT ALL, especially deep water starts or a hard deep slalom turn, water blows right up the cuffs. Just IMO, I would go with latex cuffs and deal with the hassle of repairing them on occasion.
I have a Ronny drysuit w/ neo wrists and ankles, like Todda said, comfy when dry. Not comfy when water blows up the legs skiing, or a light wakeboard fall. Love the look, hate the function.