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I was curious what others are using to store there wake surfers outside of racks and flight clips? I know some of the newer boards are fragile and looking for a way to store inbetween our Bimini and the tower. Any thoughts?
I have a similar setup to nautiquehunter, had 2 surf pockets installed on my bimini for a couple of soulcraft boards. I used Dallas Canvas and Upholstery, 972.910.9052, I think it was about $120/pocket. FedEx'd them my bimini and had it back in about a week.
I also did the same as Nautiquehunter ( thanks, by the way, for a great idea) had the Upholstry shop double up the pockets though. My kids still like to knee board, so I have 2 pockets for the knee boards and then 2 pockets on top of them for the surf boards, as they're a lot lighter. Looks very tidy, and have had lots of compliments on them.