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I've seen people use the Velcro straps used to hold wake-board ropes when not in use around the tower and then either zip tie through the grommet hole or use some other fastener. The Velcro straps I am talking about are like these: https://www.amazon.com/Boatersports-.../dp/B00851RNE2
18 G23
09 SAN 210 TE (previous)
04 Supreme V220 sp (previous)
94 Four Winns Horizon (previous)
I purchased this one and use it as intended ( a man down flag) it works well. It is very adjustable even for tension on the swivel as you can move the flag in almost any direction. I Mount it to my Bimini braces and it stay up while not moving and stays in the down position under full power. This company makes two mounting styles. One for a window frame and/or Bimini braces. The other one is for some wake tower applications. If you are looking for a permanent flag holder not for a man down flag there are lots of options as mentioned including West Marine they are good for hard to find brackets and such. When not skiing I would like to be able to fly an American flag off the back of my boat but I have not found the exact right bracket yet. http://caddiebuddy.com/window-mount/