So the older I get, the more my knees seem to becoming a problem. Last season, I kind of hyperextended my right knee wakeboarding and landing on the wake wrong. Just yesterday, I did something worse to it where it popped from twisting at a funny angle and being bent close to my chest. It is pretty sore today but doesn't feel week so I'm thinking ligaments are OK, and maybe just a sprain.
I know wakeboarding can be brutal to the knees and other are in my same place here in age and trying to progress skills. I am 36 and no advanced rider but I'd like to get better. I can W2W no problem and some basic 180's and used to be able to land a back roll many many years ago and haven't tried in recent years.
What are some others wearing for braces to protect the knees or exercise routines you find help keep the legs strong and knees in as good as shape as you can?
I know wakeboarding can be brutal to the knees and other are in my same place here in age and trying to progress skills. I am 36 and no advanced rider but I'd like to get better. I can W2W no problem and some basic 180's and used to be able to land a back roll many many years ago and haven't tried in recent years.
What are some others wearing for braces to protect the knees or exercise routines you find help keep the legs strong and knees in as good as shape as you can?