Just add 10 RPM to the PP daily from 32 mph until you work your way up to 34. Each day you will see progress. Once you start running 22 consistantly, you will not want to put it on 15 anymore. The boat really starts to help you ski at 22off.
I used to hate HO. No reason except that I was a die hard Denny Kidder fan. But there is a big differance from the Phantom/Truth to the Monza or System 8. I went to the ski test with the intention of getting a new stick, but there is nothing new out there to make me switch. But check out the F1, the 06 is a great ski.
Just add 10 RPM to the PP daily from 32 mph until you work your way up to 34. Each day you will see progress. Once you start running 22 consistantly, you will not want to put it on 15 anymore. The boat really starts to help you ski at 22off.
I used to hate HO. No reason except that I was a die hard Denny Kidder fan. But there is a big differance from the Phantom/Truth to the Monza or System 8. I went to the ski test with the intention of getting a new stick, but there is nothing new out there to make me switch. But check out the F1, the 06 is a great ski.