Best Wakeboard Handle

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  • blueroom
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Mar 2017
    • 623

    • Northwest

    • G23

    Best Wakeboard Handle

    I have a strange addiction - wakeboard ropes and handles. I have handles and ropes from all kinds of manufacturers and of varying materials. Weird, right?

    My absolute favorite so far: The 2017 Hyperlite Franchise Pro handle and silicone flat main line. I actually have the 2016 Franchise combo as well, and the 2017 is better, with a thinner flat main line (not quite as wide and flat) and keeping with the foam handle (no seams and super light) and new end cap design. I didn't think I would like the foam as much as our microfiber or chamois type handles, but they really grow on you.

    The Hyperlite silicone main lines feel like butter, float, are really visible in the water and are not super tangly. I have both the rounded profile and the flat, and I previously liked them both the same. The new 2017 flat line is probably the best, as it is almost like the offspring of flat and round parents. It seems like they also toughened up the non-coated parts a little to make them a little less snaggy (on velcro, etc.) and more durable.

    Ropes and handles are kind of a personal preference, but I thought I would share based on what I have seen and used. YMMV

    If you have one you like best, please do share.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	hl17-Franchise-pro-Handle-pkg-2.png
Views:	290
Size:	108.7 KB
ID:	525166
    Last edited by blueroom; 06-13-2017, 06:56 PM.
  • rlwagens
    • Feb 2008
    • 147

    • Michigan

    • 2006 SANTE 210

    Aren't the Hyperlite handles just rebranded Proline handles? I know the mainlines are Proline. Regardless, I used the Proline LG chamois handles forever and loved them. This year got a Follow Beacon handle/mainline package on BlemBoard and will probably never switch back. Didn't realize what a difference the hexagon shape would make and whatever they are coating their line with seems out of this world, I've never before had a coating go back to normal / not tear after a knot in the line before this stuff. Can't comment on its long term durability yet but so far can't recommend the Follow gear enough.


    • rossrips7
      • Feb 2010
      • 233

      • Unknown

      I've got a 16 franchise handle with the weird foam grip and love it. Had the Murray chamois handle before that and the stitch would cut my hands pretty bad. Just picked up the new flatline and it is awesome.

      Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique

