So I was screwing in a stainless steel screw into my board where you attach the binding, and when I started to unscrew it, it seized up. No matter how much I torqued on it, it just wouldn't back out. I eventually got a wrench onto my screwdriver to get more torque, which then broke off the head of the screw. Now I have a stainless steel screw with no head stuck in my board. I've tried everything from WD-40 to loosen it, with vice grips. I'm to the point now where I'll have to drill out the screw, but I'm worried this will mess up the threads on the board. Even a screw extractor doesn't seem to be working. I could always just use another hole to put the binding on, but then I'll either be stuck with a narrow or wide stance. Does anybody have any other ideas? Or am I stuck with the only option being to drill out a stainless steel screw? Thanks for the help!
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