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I am interested to see how you like it. I played with the new ropes at Wakemakers. The new one-piece LF handle is cool, my concern is that the handle is a bit firm and blunt on the corners. I could see it denting a board pretty easily in the right circumstance. With the capped and padded designs (like Markj shared) there is some give when the handle hits things.
I am interested to see how you like it. I played with the new ropes at Wakemakers. The new one-piece LF handle is cool, my concern is that the handle is a bit firm and blunt on the corners. I could see it denting a board pretty easily in the right circumstance. With the capped and padded designs (like Markj shared) there is some give when the handle hits things.
Thanks I'll keep you posted positive or negative on this rope. I did not think about the blunt corners but you do have a point.
I don’t really like these surf rope style (the ones with the handle)
every style have their pos and cons.
Handle surf ropes are good for beginners, easier to grab but they are incredibly short.
my Handle rope can’t even take us at the end of my wave so it’s not good for practicing the recover (getting back in the wave sweet spot).
it’s a mess to recover a rider too since the rope is very short, almost every time you have to get back and throw it or stop the boat completely for allowing the rider to catch it.
maybe these styles have several length options too, I really don’t know.
ive had a good old spiral braid surf rope with the T bar for like 8years.
when I bought my new boat they give me plenty of stuff and a new surf rope was in it.
i was planning to buy one so it was great! But I use it 2 times and left it in the locker since that.
ending up buying a brand new just like my previous.
i found this one great because it’s 16’ I think. Enough long to just surround the rider widely to catch it.
you can also take it at different levels with the nodes.
A bit harder for beginners and more dangerous when you falling off (maybe that’s why they change the style)
but never had problems here.
i have to say we don’t use ropes at all.. when we are surfing we mostly start from the wakeplate.
thats the good pos of 8year practice haha no turn arounds no falling no ropes just surfing when we are crowded lol.