ZUP boards for beginners

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  • Kmayotte
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Apr 2010
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    • Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

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    ZUP boards for beginners

    ZUP Boards

    Saw these guys on Shark Tank. Kind of a train wreck presentation (no deal made) but their product looked good. A better mouse traps version of RAD boards and some other sled type devices out there.

    I have two very young girls and this looks like a great way to get them started behind the boat. Anyone tried them out?
    ZUP is a fresh, new way to get your family and friends up on the water. Ride the ZUP Board standing, kneeling, lying down, sitting, wake surfing, and more.
    Last edited by Kmayotte; 01-19-2018, 09:36 AM.
  • gobluemike2142
    • Jan 2017
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    • Michigan, USA

    • '96 SS

    Buying one for the kids this season.


    • srock
      1,000 Post Club Member
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      Jack of all trades, master of none. Just like nobody makes a salmon, wake-board, ski and barefoot boat all rolled into one.


      • scottb7
        1,000 Post Club Member
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        yeah, that was a pretty funny shark tank episode.


        • jharris
          • Sep 2010
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          • Michigan

          • 2022 G23

          We have used ZUP boards the last few years at Wake the World events. For that event, they were incredible to get kids up on a board. Many of these kids had never even been on a boat before and we could give all of them the chance to get up on the board their first time on the water. Not sure I would buy one for my personal use since once past getting comfortable on the water they would become obsolete to a wakeboard, skis, or a surf board.

          I also watched the shark tank episode. They were a bit of a mess. I wish I could have been there to support their product for them. They have a great product for getting kids comfortable on the water behind a boat. Didn't come across that way on the show.

          Sent from my iPad using PLT Nautique


          • greggmck
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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            I grew up on the water. Water skied when I was 7, moved to Florida, and spent much of my life competing in slalom, trick, jump. Fast forward many years later and I want my kids to learn how to wakeboard and surf. They could not get up right away and became frustrated almost refusing to try because they were humiliated. I purchased a ZUP. They got up first try, experienced the joy of gliding over the water and were hooked forever. We kept it for one season. We used it with their friends who also had no waterboarding/surfing experience. Everyone had fun. The ZUP made it very easy for all to transition to wakeboarding and surfing. We sold the ZUP on Craigslist at the end of the season for 70% of the purchase price. It was well worth it to get my kids to where they are today. One problem is that the ZUP is BIG. There is no convenient way to store the ZUP in the boat...so you won't want to keep it around longer than you have too.

            Sent from my SM-G950U using PLT Nautique mobile app


            • Kmayotte
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Apr 2010
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              • Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

              • 2016 G23, 1999 SN Python Past: 2004 SANTE, 1993 SN

              Great testimonials guys. Exactly why it peaked my interest.

              If anyone has a used one they'd like to sell let me know!


              • Blamey
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                If I think of being a kid, I would've loved one of these. Just something fun to mess about with. Great way to learn various skills while being comfortable with one device.

                I'll totally keep this on my wish list for when the kids are a little older.

                Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk


                • CHassmann
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                  Looks like fun for kids, but I think it is a little too pricey.
                  Ski on dude!


                  • Darter
                    • Apr 2016
                    • 8

                    • West Milwaukee, WI

                    We got one for our youngest. He is not very strong and does not have good balance. He also doesn't like getting splashed in the face much. The zup style board was worth every penny for him... Now he rides around the lake for a half hour straight and begs for more. He's only able to sit and kneel on it, but that's all he needs to have fun.

                    Our older kids who can do everything else behind the boat also like to take it out every once in a while just to goof around and see what tricks they can pull off on it.

                    This past year it worked out nicely for my 75 yo dad who hasn't been able to get behind a boat in 10 years due to hip, knee, and ankle problems. He was tickled pink to just be able to get back in the action. He used to ski a lot and really misses it.

                    We have an Indy bimini with cargo bars and it fits perfectly on that.

                    Definitely money well spent and a keeper for us.

                    Sent from my OnePlus 5 using Tapatalk


                    • Infinity
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                      Yea, bought one of these for my younger girls and they love it. Easy for any kid to use it....the downside is how heavy it is (over 20lbs I would say). I came up with a work around for that....since I have the Corson Piper racks mounted to bottom of my tower, which keeps my expensive surf boards out of the sun, I just used some different straps and it works perfect (picture from last summer). Now its out of the way and benefit is my girls will get on water every time with this thing and are talking about standing up on it this summer, which is the transition to get them surfing. I learned long ago to make it easy for them and not make it a bad experience or they will shut down and not want to try it again.
                      Since family is a large part of why I bought the boat....its important to me that they stay engaged and keep loving being on the water since its one of the few places that I relax and let go of work stress....turn off the phone, etc
                      Attached Files

