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Can anyone give me a recommendation/source for good ski ropes that aren't too expensive? I need to pickup a couple of them and I'm really not sure what I should be looking for.
I have just started using a new ACCURATE line and it is great. Watch out for the less expensive ropes, I used an O'Brien line last year and anything shorter than 22 off in the course the rope would seem to pop with each pull. If your using for slalom it is worth spending a little bit more, the rope will last longer and you won't have any issues
Straightline makes a good rope as well. I would stick with one of the 3 that have been mentioned (Masterline, Accurate, or Straightline) all of which make quality, tournament standard ropes. Like others have mentioned, the cheaper ropes stretch a lot more than the good ones, and they don't last nearly as long. It is well worth paying a little more. As far as what to look for, handle style is very subjective, but the most popular recreational style is the "Team" handle. It is easy on hands and holds up well. For competitive skiers, preferences can vary greatly. I believe Overton's has a private label that is fairly inexpensive and should be good for recreational skiing if that is what you are looking for.
For tournaments we use ropes made by Brenda at N-tow http://www.jlbmfg.com/
Most name brands mentioned don't measure accuratly.
I beleive she also makes wakeboard and recreational lines.
2003 SkiNautique 206 LE Yellow - Black - Silver Cloud
Previous Fleet
2006 Ski Nautique 196 SE Titanium - Black- Silver Cloud
2004 Ski Nautique 206 LE Red - Black - Silver Cloud
1993 Mastercraft Stars & Stripes 190 Red
Brenda at In Tow RULES!!! I used to tear through gloves very quickly and handles as well. Since using her handle I have had the same gloves (same make) for 2.5 seasons and the handle has held up beautifully. The handle she made is also the most comfortable of any I have tried.