Kids Wakesurfer

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  • rman56
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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    Kids Wakesurfer

    We are getting ready to teach our niece to wakesurf, she is 7 years old. I wanted to know is the Ronix super sonic space odyssey the best board to learn on?

  • Phil8uga
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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    I can’t speak for the Ronix but my daughter was 7 years old last summer and learned to surf on the phase 5 scamp. Letting go of the rope hopefully happens this summer. PM me if you want me to send a video of her getting up for the first time to share with your niece. Kids are often encouraged when they see other kids try something new. It was a proud parent moment!

    Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique


    • greggmck
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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      Originally posted by rman56 View Post
      We are getting ready to teach our niece to wakesurf, she is 7 years old. I wanted to know is the Ronix super sonic space odyssey the best board to learn on?

      We are a family of competitive wake surfers. My son and daughter both learned on a Phase 5 SCAMP. Its one of the best boards for young beginners because it has low volume and is easy to kick in the water as the rider tries to get up. In my opinion I would stay away from Ronix. I believe the quality of their boards is not as high as Phase Five.


      • greggmck
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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        Originally posted by rman56 View Post
        We are getting ready to teach our niece to wakesurf, she is 7 years old. I wanted to know is the Ronix super sonic space odyssey the best board to learn on?

        A great way to teach young kids is to have an adult sit on the platform facing the child in the water. Shorten the rope so the child would be just in the flats of the wave when standing up. I sit on the platform, pull the rope in so the child is just behind the platform. I put my feet on the bottom of the board holding it perpendicular to the water with my feet. Flipping the board like this is the most difficult part of learning to get up. By holding the rope tight with the child just off of the platform and the board resting on my feet I tell the driver to put the boat in gear (no gas). This gives the child the feeling of having the water push back on the board and allows them to hold this ready position. Gradually let the rope slide out of your hands while the boat is in gear until the rope is tight and you are no longer holding it. Doing this a few times teaches the child how to hold the flipped ready position. After mastering this they can usually get up very easily. The next step is to teach them to never pull on the rope once they are up. They must learn to surf on the board and not use the rope for balance. Finally going without the rope is actually very simple. Make sure the child has their feet positioned so that the center of the board passes under the ankle bones. This places them in a positon that puts more weight on the toe (wave) side of the board. Have them find a position on the wave where they can keep the rope slack. When they can do this for a few minutes, have them just drop the rope. NEVER throw it as this causes them to lose balance. Pull the rope in. Have them go into the super boy/girl position to move up on the wave. Stand taller to slide back.

        Here is a picture of my daughter the first time she went without the rope. Its a wonderful experience to see your kids do this so quickly. She is now the #22 ranked Click image for larger version

Name:	vlcsnap-2016-07-24-21h29m41s360.png
Views:	343
Size:	409.3 KB
ID:	555095 Junior (boys and girls) in the world!

        Good luck!


        • rman56
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          Sorry for the late reply, but thanks greggmck for the helpful tips. I think I might look for a nice used phase 5 sounds like a good fit.



          • doug69
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            Don’t know about other brands but we use the scamp as well. Not sure if we just all followed someone’s lead but everyone I know with kids and a surf boat uses the scamp and it works very well. Plus they color each scamp uniquely so no kid had the same one.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            • rman56
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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              I have read a lot of good things about the scamp, so I think we will look for one and give it a try.



              • Adrenaline1
                • Jan 2018
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                Is the Scamp still the best fit for 9 and 12 year old beginners or something else? 60 and 75 lbs. thanks


                • greggmck
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                  Originally posted by Adrenaline1 View Post
                  Is the Scamp still the best fit for 9 and 12 year old beginners or something else? 60 and 75 lbs. thanks
                  Absolutely the best for kids. It is very light and easy for them the flip. It also has three fins making it very stable. None better.

