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I have been wanting to try a skim board and want to know a good recommendation? I currently ride a Ronix blender and a Inland surfer V2 swallow tail. Also does skim style naturally carry more speed than the boards we have?
I have been wanting to try a skim board and want to know a good recommendation? I currently ride a Ronix blender and a Inland surfer V2 swallow tail. Also does skim style naturally carry more speed than the boards we have?
+1 for the P5 Hammerhead. Outstanding skim style board.
But, we found that it takes a session or two to get used to. We demoed it a couple of times before buying, and it wasn't an instant love affair. Once you get dialed in with it, you won't want to give it up.
I have 2 friends with the Hammerhead, it does take getting used too cause its easy to pearl the front end and its SUPER slick with the single fin, I was used to surf style so I was all over the place for a couple rides till I got used to it. Lot of fun to rid tho....and it will spin like crazy, hard to stop spinning actually (for me)
I have a Liquid Force skim, its a nice board but I still far prefer my Soulcraft JS Pro and riding surf style but that of course is just personal preference.
I don't think skim is faster, compared to my SC, tho I guess it depends on what you get. For me, I can get more speed quicker with my SC especially when pumping forward from back of wave.
I have been doing some reading on the Hammerhead and looks pretty sweet for sure. I can spin my blender but it takes a lot of effort to make it happen clean and keep the push. I looked at the Liquid Force Swami as a cheaper skim to have on the boat. Looks like it would be a decent ride too for the price.