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Wondered who here may have experience with various porta slaloms. Would be interested in your experiences with different brands and particulary anyone who may have experience with multiple brands.
I just bought an EZ-Slalom with a friend of mine (martho from MBO). We did our research and shopping and after talking to Ed at EZ Slalom we were sold. He is great and knows everything. The product is way nicer than competitors from what we've seen and the customer service is top-notch. Give ed a call and he will end your search. www.ez-slalom.com
2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
2016 SN 200 H5 www.Fifteenoff.com
The product is way nicer than competitors from what we've seen and the customer service is top-notch.
Thanks for the info, M3. Is there anything specific when you say it is way nicer than the others? Also, have you seen these things in person or, like me, looking on the web and asking around? Thanks again for helping me out here--I'm finally gonna bite the bullet and get one for Spring.