There are many options to choose from and most are ordered without ever touching them to check em out. What are your favorites? Which ones to stay away from, and what to look for when purchasing one (thickness of padding, pockets, heat reflective side, nose protection, etc.). Or do you prefer the socks? Looks like Chaos has some nice bags on their site.
1,000 Post Club Member
- May 2013
- 2795
- Smith Mountain Lake, VA (Craddock Creek area)
- 2017 G23 Coastal Edition H6 | 2001 Sport Nautique | 1981 Ski Nautique
I have them but don’’t use them much . Biggest problem I find with mostly all the bags on the market is that you have to remove surf style fins before they will fit in the bag which is a huge pain . I don’t understand why all board bag manufacturers don’t design them so surf style fins don’t have to be removed each and every time the board is placed in the bag
I use socks and bags (when needed). The boards are always in socks - in boat, on racks, in shop. I have socks from Hyperlite, Ronix and Dakine. The Dakine 5'2" Hybrid socks are the best. They are thicker and the hybrid shape fits all types of boards. The others are made of pretty thin material.
I use padded bags when needing to throw a board in the bed of the truck. I also use the Dakine hybrid bag.
I have never had issues with fins not working with the Dakine socks or bags - even big Futures surf fins.