Hey everybody, Curious if anybody has tried to refurbish TITAN aluminum ski and board racks before by powder coating them? I have 1 of each that have been on a boat I'm getting back into shape and the aluminum is really pitted so didn't think they would polish out. My 206 is Wineberry and Onyx Black with Onyx Black tower Was gonna have them powder coated the same color along with the mirror mount which is also really pitted. Any thoughts fellas? Also, does anybody know where to buy the rubber that go into the rack rails?
With aluminum pitting the issue for me at least, always seems to end up being..... "Is the juice worth the squeeze" issue. There's no magic potion for repair that you can buy in a bottle to rub on and make the pitting disappear. You basically have to strip the finish then polish down below the pitting. Can it be done? Sure, but that will take quite a bit of time, effort and skill to have the part come out without low spots or waves you'll see in the finished part. Powder coating will fill a lot and tends to smooth out imperfections so if you're good with less than perfect or having the same finish as a new part then go for it. With moderate effort it should look great from 6'. To be truthful, that for me at least would be fine for a 17yo boat.
BTW, when I was getting started in boating I had way more time than money and spent countless hours restoring older boats and refurbishing parts. Being older now, that equation has changed for me, at least for now.