I need a new wakeboard

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  • LT206
    • Mar 2006
    • 262

    • Huntsville, AL

    I need a new wakeboard

    Here's what I'm riding now. http://www.wakeworld.com/boardguide/...sp?boardid=190

    It's a Connelly Twist 142. I know it's pretty old. I'm 6' tall, 165 lbs. and would classify my ability as beginner/intermediate although I've been wakeboarding for about 10 years. I can do wake to wake 180s all day both directions, surface spins, butterslides, anything rotating the board 180 without a handle pass. I was determined to land the back roll and 360 before last summer was over, but I somehow ran out of summer before getting there. I'm wondering if some new equipment might help me out.

    I've got the factory ballast in my 206 - 400# in the trunk and usually move all the adults to the rear seat when boarding this usually adds another 300 lbs - so I know my wake is not that of a hardcore wakeboard boat, but still pretty good. I've never ridden behind a 210 so I don't really have anything to compare it to.

    I was looking at the Liquid Force Substance 138 or the Team 139. Anybody have an opinion or any other ideas on what might be a good board for me.
  • iceman991
    • Jul 2006
    • 138

    • 707

    • 81' ski nautique 20th anniversary edition 05' SANTE 210

    i need a new wakeboard

    .................its not the board, just practice technique and get some pointers from someone who can do 3's and a backroll. my buddy steve from berryessa does huge tricks on a 4 year old board, tandrums, backroll to late 180 and lots of different spins not to mention his signature gordo batwing ralley!!! but a new board is always nice....................140 or longer.

    good luck,


    • SkiBlue
      • Jan 2007
      • 91

      • North Eastern California

      RE: i need a new wakeboard

      I agree with iceman, 140 or longer is best for your height. Just a thought.


      • Hollywood
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1930

        • WIIL

        RE: i need a new wakeboard

        Ride as many boards as you can. Any demo programs in your area? If not borrow a friend's board. I'm 5'11" 160lb and rode 132/133 past few years doing rolls,tantrums and raleys. This year however I'm stepping it up to the 135/136 range for bigger inverts and easier landings. It's all what's comfortable to you, bigger isn't always better.


        • LT206
          • Mar 2006
          • 262

          • Huntsville, AL

          RE: i need a new wakeboard

          I always thought that board length had more to do with weight than height. In looking at the size charts they all go by weight and not height. Hollywood is right - I really should just wait and demo some from the pro shop. I guess I'm just getting anxious to board even though it's freeezing out. And I can get a deal on either one of those boards from last year's model right now.


          • bkhallpass
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Apr 2005
            • 1407

            • Discovery Bay, CA

            • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

            Re: RE: i need a new wakeboard

            Originally posted by LT206
            I always thought that board length had more to do with weight than height.
            Speed, skill and strength will also determine the right length board.

            For an average height person, you're probably right. Weight is probably the primary factor. However, if you are very tall, you will probably ride a longer board, even if you are light, to accomodate the wider stance of a tall person. BKH
            2001 Super Air


            • Fast351
              • Oct 2006
              • 315

              • Winsted, MN

              • 2001 Ski Nautique

              RE: Re: RE: i need a new wakeboard

              Check out Hyperlite's boards as well. I have been riding my 06 Drive for a season, and it's a wonderful board.

              Hit your local shops. Most will let you demo boards for a day for $20 and apply that to your purchase price.
              2001 Ski Nautique / 2007 SV211 TE (gone but not forgotten)


              • OnlyNatique
                • Feb 2004
                • 84

                practice makes perfect!

                After reading what I have, here are a some answers for you.

                1. Board length does go off of weight more so than height and you need to demo a lot of different boards before just choosing. Every board rides different so you need to get a feel for what really fits your style riding. I am 6 foot and weigh about 195-205 and Im riding the Liquid Force Shane 140. This board is wider than most boards out there so it acts as a 142. For my style, I get much more pop with a bigger board than smaller. Its all bout finding your style.

                2. Might want to look into getting some wakeboarding instructional videos. The Book is a pretty good detailed DVD that will tell you everything you need to know about the different tricks. or even better find someone better than you and take them out with you so that they can help you out. This is what I did and it helped my riding incredibly.

                3. While your weight in the boat will be changing constantly you need to find the right speed for your boat that shapes the wake the way that it pops you best. I ride on a 210 at 22.5 miles an hour at 85 feet behind the boat. Every boat is different so again you have to find what fits you.

                4. Before attempting your tricks that you want to accomplish on the water, it always helps to try them on a trampoline first to get the handle passes and rotations down so that you decrease the chance of injury. I usually go to the trampoline before attempting new tricks on the water. The more you practice the better you will get. This helps to create muscle memory.

                5. Confidence! Always attack the wake and if possible try not bail on them or else well you know what will happen. ouch.

                Hope this helps a little man...


                • aaron
                  • Mar 2025
                  • 114

                  • Malaysia

                  RE: practice makes perfect!

                  As a watersports operator , and LF importer previously, and similar weight to you, any 140 and above board is the way to go for our weight class. However, some boards are "fatter" and for one that loves to spin, something short but wide and less than 140 may work for you.I have many personal boards ( across the whole LF range) and i def liked the team 139.Edges easil and stable when landing awkwardly.Get one used if its a good deal.
                  Otherwise, demo some fatter wider boards from 136 and up and u will be amazed how much easier to spin and maneouvere around.


                  • Osmosis
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 52

                    At the end of the day we all know you just want the board that looks better. . Plus the difference between length is not going to have a huge effect on advancing from a wake 180 to a backroll.

                    The best update that I have ever made was a good pair of bindings. I have had 9 wakeboards now (started with the Eric Perez Pro model by Hyperlite which had sandle bindings), and definitely recommend a good pair of bindings that fit you well. You will find better fitting bindings will help you improve your board control. Board control is the basics. Advanced tricks come by building on your basics.

                    Murray's Detention video is really good... extremely educational and still adds that Murray fun. I have never met him, but his video has me sold!

                    Best of luck!


                    • LT206
                      • Mar 2006
                      • 262

                      • Huntsville, AL

                      At the end of the day we all know you just want the board that looks better. .
                      ok you got me... who cares how good you ride as long as you look good doing it..... right???


                      • phantom268
                        • Aug 2005
                        • 57

                        • Guntersville, AL

                        Team is a nice board. I'm riding on a LF 143 Omega right now with Transits and its a good setup. I think you'd be pleased with either of those boards honestly. Board won't make the rider, but sometimes just getting some fresh gear or finding the RIGHT board for YOU can give you a boost, or at least some inspiration haha. I typically ride my Omega or my brothers Hyperlite State, also an excellent board. I actually think I like the State better, but I hate his bindings so I don't ride it much. Good luck with your shopping!


                        • Cisco-Kid
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 30

                          I would not dismiss the possibility of a larger board at your height. At 6' you may find the stance distance on a 142 more comfortable, especially since you are coming from a 142. Large boards typically land softer and the larger area means more pop off the wake. 142 is also a very common size for boards so you may have more options by going with a 142.

                          While all boards are unique to a degree any board you choose should help take you to the next level. I think you will appreciate the looser feel of the newer boards due to the reductions in fin sizes. Plus the smaller fins allow you to "break-free" more quickly from the wake to start spins.

                          I have about 8 wakeboards, plus my friends have a bunch (it's a hobby! :-) But honestly the board I rode MOST of last year was the '06 Hyperlite Murray and the '07 is the same. It is the most extreme continuous rocker available so it pops like a 3-stage and lands like a continuous.

                          Here is a link to Shaun explaining his board.


                          Hope that helps. Good luck!
                          2004 SAN 210-Team


                          • phantom268
                            • Aug 2005
                            • 57

                            • Guntersville, AL

                            I'm also over 6' tall and I find a 140-143 size seems to work better for me over smaller boards, even though I could ride the smaller boards if I went strictly by weight recommendations.


                            • PARA
                              • Jun 2006
                              • 152

                              • cairns,qld,Australia

                              I am 6`2 and around the 100 kilo mark, if this helps last year rode a 142 lf watson awesome board
                              08 210 te
                              07 210 te
                              06 220 te


