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Ononautiqueone, I will gladly trade you the standard pylon from my 94 Sport for your factory extended pylon, and I'll pay your shipping to Texas as well as my shipping to you. Please let me know.
I ordered the extended pylon on my boat, it is not a slip on but a taller pylon with a notch where the standard pylon top would be just above the dog house. Don't know for sure but probably about 18" taller than a standard pylon.
Does that factory extended pylon have any kind of weight limitations since it is unsupported? Have you heard of any damage done by these pylons when under too much stress?
The extended pylon is supported just like the standard pylon, CC may be able to tell you if there are any weight limitations, there are none that I am aware of. I would imagine the hardest pull any pylon will experience will come from a good slalom skier, you really do not want to slalom from that point because it will flex slightly under that load to the point you will feel it while skiing. Normally we always slalom at the low point or standard height however I have slalomed from the high point and have pulled others without any issues other than seeing the pylon flex a bit.
Budde, what are you planning on pulling that has you concerned?
BTW, one bonus of the taller pylon is it will eliminate the need for a tent pole for your cover up front.
I'll be using it for wakeboarding and some folks I ride with weigh upwards of a deuce and a half. Just wanted to be sure. I don't need the height of a tower necessarily, I like riding at around the height of the factory extended, so it would be cool if someone wanted to trade, like onenautiqueone said he wanted to.
I looked at trading my extended 99' for a friends standard 95'. They were different shape, the 95 had much more bend to it, I think it is from a diffence in the motor box. I would try to stay in the same generation of hull (tsc1) for the trade, just to make sure its the correct shape.
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
Do the standard pylons for the TSC1 hulls (AirN or SportN) have a bend in them?? I was looking to trade my extended pylon from a 2001 Air for a standard but the only reply I got was from an owner of a '97 SN (TSC1) and his pylon had a 5 deg bend in it. Mine is straight as mentioned by several other people in this post. My assumption was that it would not work. Can anyone clarify? All help greatly appreciated. I really don't want to have to cut my extended pylon but I may have no choice if there are no valid trades out there.
Skippy & Budde, did you trade out your standard pylons already? If not, PM me.
2001 Air <-- New boat
1991 Ski <-- Old boat
Denver, CO
I have a 1997 Ski Nautique 196 with the factory extended pylon in the boat. My boat has 1824 hours on it. I am on a show ski team, and may have pulled more than the factory recommended two adult skiers off our dock, in the use of my boat. I do check the three U-bolts that hold the pylon occasionally.
Contact your local Correct Craft dealer for availabily.