New Nautique Owner......Need Gear

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  • dmiracle
    • Jul 2006
    • 85

    New Nautique Owner......Need Gear

    Just picked up a sweet 92' SN this week. I've been off the water for a few years however am looking to jump back in and expose the kids.

    Where's the best place to secure all the ski gear ie....ropes, skis, boards etc......?

    Is it Barts or Overtons?

    Thanks in advance for the advice.

    PS - Any advice on an appropriate set of tools to put in an onboard tool kit would be appreciated as well. What do all the experts here carry in their boat?
  • Justin1933
    • Feb 2005
    • 240

    • Orange County, CA

    • 2005 SV-211

    RE: New Nautique Owner......Need Gear

    I have some wakeboards and Single skis for sale...Boards - One is Hyperlite Premier, and the other is a Hyperlite Parks...PM for more details if you are interested.


    • jjackkrash
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • May 2007
      • 498

      • PacNW

      • 2021 Ski

      I am in the same boat, so to speak. After a long hiatus, I just picked up an SN 206 several weeks ago, and had to start from scratch on all new equipement. Picked up a ski from H2Osmosis. is a good place to look for "guest gear." I got a lot of stuff at Bass Pro Shop--the "non-hardcore" ski equipment--including a basic marine tool kit in a water proof case (with allen wrenches for bimini). Got tow rope, handle, and shock tube from Brenda at In-Tow in New Mexico.

      Things to also consider carrying:

      Extra impeller (a potential weekend saver);
      Extra prop and a prop puller (another potential weekend saver);
      Anchor, Anchor Buddy, and Sand Spike (google these, they are great if you want to beach your boat, but don't want to beach your boat);
      Air Horn (to ward off jet skiers);
      Trailer jack and lug wrench;
      Sharp knife (in case tow-rope gets caught in prop);
      Electric 12v air pump for inflatables (if you have any);
      Insurance, title docs, and owners manual in waterproof ziplock;
      Trailer safety chain from bow eye to trailer (fashioned one from chain, clasp and connector I got at home depo);
      Lots of microfiber towels to wipe boat down;
      Rain-ex for windshield;
      extra lines for whatever comes up.

      These are the things I can think of off the top of my head.


      • Sbt3
        • Dec 2004
        • 164

        • Okauchee Wisconsin

        Try to support you local shop. Most will price match an online place if you ask them to plus you get better customer service. I wouldn't buy much online just because I have a good relationship with the local shops and if I need something they always take care of me. Plus warranties are much easier through them if you have problems.


        • darrel409
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Jul 2004
          • 566

          • San Dimas, So. Cal

          Thats a very good list from jackkrash. I keep a mask in the boat that has come in handy more than a few times.


          • Quinner
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 2246

            • Unknown

            • Correct Crafts

            In addition to a PFD for each person on board and any skier(s) in tow some states require a throw-able device such as a cushion in the boat as well, check your local regulations.

            I also prefer buying from the local pro shop, found more times than not they are about the same cost and in some cases cheaper with things like closeouts and last years model stuff. For used Ski-it-Again and skifly are a great resource.


            • MHayes
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Aug 2004
              • 830

              • Roswell, GA

              To be honest, eBay is one of the best places to pick up gear.
              2001 Air Nautique

