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What size is the tower one a 03 SAN 210, and has anyone bought or used the tower mirror arm from DIY wake. IT is a good price and I cant really see spending 200+ for a piece of metal to hold my mirror up.
The tower diameter is 1 7/8". The mirror arm on DIY Wake is identical to the Boss mirror arms, which a lot of people have had troubles with (e.g. screws stripping out on the portion that mounts to the tower and difficulty tightening the mirror down where it doesn't move). Yes, there have been people that are satisfied with them, so maybe they'll chime in and give you their take on the arm.
You won't be able to tighten it down. There should be a spacer which takes up the gap.
I have the boss tower mirror. I've had it for 4 or 5 years now. It works ok, but as suggested, because the articulating arm is two pieces, it is a pain to get the two
pieces tightened down. If I were buying again, I would buy a single piece articulating arm. I kind of like the monster tower mirror arm, because it comes off with a quick connect. This makes it easy to keep the assembly clean while in storage, and also gets the mirror out of the way when putting on the cover. BKH
I got the 1 7/8" mirror arm from DIY this year, so yes, they do have it. It has been a little bit of a pain trying to keep it from coming loose especially as of late. I even put a rubber gasket where the arm articulates to no avail. Another note, if your tower is powder coated, you are going to have to do some sanding on the bracket to get it to fit around the extra thickness.