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*** This reply is from Larry Mann - the Manufacturer ***
My experience with riding Trick Boardz is that initially, the sweet spot was not large. The more I rode though the larger the sweet spot became. This is due to me being a slow learner and continued improvements to our Trick Boardz. I have seen people do a 360 their first time on the board (I'm jealous).
We are now manufacturing Trick Boardz out of fiberglass / foam core construction like a traditional surfboard. The boardz are still the same shape though. This new board is fantastic. My sweet spot is now about 1-2 foot further back on the wave. The area, just ahead of the foam from where I used to recover, is now part of my sweet spot. I was riding the large Surf Skate (wood laminate) finless. When I first started riding the glass Surf Skate, I had to put fins on it to slow it down. I am now used to the increased speed and am riding finless again. This is the board I have been dreaming of since I first invented Trick Boardz.
Our team rider Adam Roten, can surf about a foot over onto the wrong side of the wave and then back again underwater (about half the time).
I have the large wooden Surf Skate and it is my favorite board. I am about 190lbs and I can easily \ride 15+ feet back on my wake, with no problem coming back. It took a bit to get accustomed to a comparatively small board, but this year I have broken out on it. My son can stick 360's prety regularly on it. one really goofy thing about these is that you can dunk the nose, and while most boards this will end your ride, the Skate pops out and you keep going. takes a bit to get used to mentally because you think the ride is over, but it isn't.
Dr. Larry, is it ok for me to say how awesome the new glass Skate is yet ? heh heh.
We are riding that one finless, and my son got 2 360's in a row on his first ride on it. ****ed kids.....(I'm jealous)
Trick Boardz Rock !!
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
Thanks for all replies!
Cool, sounds like I didn't loose anything by waiting for the fiberglass board.
Anyway the season is soon over here so next year we'll upgrade to the surf skate!
Thanks Larry. In case you all dont know this you can get the pre-release board for $140 (includes fins). The board is a blank but who cares it a Trick Boardz. If you want it call larry @ Trick Boardz and tell him your interested in it!