Here are my buddies in their boat gear:
I got some of the booties for my boxer last season and he didn't like them. He then jumped in the water and one came off his foot and sank. I keep his feet trimmed and I check for rough edges before he comes out with me. Doesn't seem to be a problem for the upholstery. I've thought about the jacket though but haven't gotten one yet. Maybe this spring.06\' SANTE 210
Originally posted by ZANDERSANTEGreat looking boxers by the way! Mine had emergency stomach surgery over the weekend. $3200 dollars later and he is recovering nicely. Gonna have to put those NVS Entity speakers on hold this year.
hey guys i have an Irish Setter thats 4 and and the wife wants to take him out but i'm worried about the claws cutting the upholstery. the long hair is another problem. where can you get the boots and vest from? don't get me wrong , i love my dog but don't want to have to get the seat redone or cratches on the gel coat. thanks for your help. SD
Re: boots
Originally posted by SuperDavehey guys i have an Irish Setter thats 4 and and the wife wants to take him out but i'm worried about the claws cutting the upholstery. the long hair is another problem. where can you get the boots and vest from? don't get me wrong , i love my dog but don't want to have to get the seat redone or cratches on the gel coat. thanks for your help. SD
I now have a chessie that is 5 months old, and I hope he will enjoy the boat as much as our last dog.
No need to over protect the nautique interior, it is very durable.
While I agree that the Nautique interior is very durable, and we went for a while without incident, the dog boots elimintate the risk of scratches. I had a buddy toss one of the dogs into the boat in a reckless manner, causing a barely, but noticable, scratch on the engine cover. That's when we went to the boots and float coats. The float coats have an excellent handle to lift the dogs in an out and I feel better with them having floatation on.
You can get the coats and boots at REI. Or here:
Originally posted by ZANDERSANTEWakecrashin,
Yes he did bloat. Never heard of it before but I found out real quick what can happen. Not only bloating but his stomach twisted. That why it was so expensive. Had to untwist by hand.