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YEA!!!! We call it SKI LIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!! We cant wait to get back on the water.
I like that!!! Can I use that NCH, or do you have a copyright on that? Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
Yea we copyrighted it, but for a small liscensing fee (trip to fl, and some pulls thru the course) you can use it all you like!!! :o
Tell ya what.........I'll use it all I want............you pay your own way here, and I'll house you, feed you, and pull you thru the course till your arms fall off.........no charge. EVER!! This offer does not expire. Void where prohibited. Good anytime. Not valid with any other coupons.
BTW, just YOU. Don't bring the whole family tree. Wifey, yes. Couple of kids, fine!!