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I used to tow with the shorter version Denali (now tow with Escalade EXT...basicly same motor) and it pulled great! You will barely know the boat is back there. I had a Ford F150 with the bigger engine (5.7L I think???) in it before the Denali and the Denali pulled 100x better than the F150.
RE: Re: RE: 2005 Yukon Denali for towing ??????????
Denali is fine vehicle and fine tow vehicle. But to me, it is a waste. The Tahoe/Yukon's are also great vehicles and tow vehicles, and they get far better mileage than the Denali. With the Denali, your going to get 12-13mpg everyday driving.
With the Tahoe/Yukon, you're going to get 16-19. Given that you'll use the vehicle very little for towing in comparison to every day driving, it's not worth it. BKH
RE: Re: RE: 2005 Yukon Denali for towing ??????????
The big difference between the Denali and the Yukon/Yukon XL/ Suburban / Tahoe, is the engine size. That is one of the reasons the gas mileage is a little better in those other vehicles. That and the fact that the Denali is all-wheel-drive, which is a great feature when you're on a crappy launch ramp.
Sure, you can tow with the standard 5.3L chevy engine, but it is nothing in comparison to the power of the 6.0L you getr in the Denali. I've driven both and the 6.0L, which is not offered in any of the models listed above, aside from the Denali, makes a HUGE difference.
I can appreciate the power because my other tow vehicle is an '05 F-150 with the 4.6L engine, which is gutless. But it's free because it's a company vehicle so I can't complain. But there is no comparison to having the power to accelerate while towing. The worst feeling is getting stuck beind a truck because you don't have the power to pass and you end up driving at 35 mph.
Take if for what's it's worth...just my 2-cents.
BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05
RE: Re: RE: 2005 Yukon Denali for towing ??????????
Yes, engine size and all wheel drive are the main difference in gas mileage.
I have one vehicle with the 6.0L and one with the 5.3L, so I have a bit of first hand knowledge.
In July I towed my Super Air from California to Wisconsin and back with the 5.3 L Suburban. 2400 miles each way. I crossed the Sierra Nevadas, and the Rocky Mountains, and just for fun, we crossed up through the Black Hills to see Mount Rushmore. I doubt anyone has hills much more severe than that. I also went through two major thunder storms, and bucked a 40 mile an hour wind all the way across Iowa and Nebraska.
The 5.3L Suburban has 150K miles on it and performed flawlessly. I averaged 62 mph on the trip out despite frequent construction on the highways and got 12.1 mpg. On the return trip, faced with high winds, and more construction I still averaged 66 mph and got 11.4 mpg.
As far as the slippery ramp, the Yukons have a push button to put them into 4WD. Not that hard to do.
If you think the bling on a Denali or an Escalade is worth it, then go for it. But as far as a tow vehicle, completely unnecessary.
As BKSoCal suggests, free advice, take it for what it's worth.
i have to say bk hit the nail on the head.it's definitely going to tow and stop way better than a smaller 1/2 ton will do but not as well as a bigger 3/4 or ton truck would,but hey there kinda over kill anyways unless you have the diesel.bottom line if its a deal snatch it up and only drive it when you tow,than when or if fuel $ drops gett rid of it and maybe make a little money to boot.or get one of these to pull it and you'll never have to look back :mrgreen:
98 sport gt-40
buying stuff i don\'t need to impress people i don\'t know with money i don\'t have