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Socbum....I wanna get a picture of you riding in a Malibu with Gerry. LOL That way we will be even. We are also working on putting together the last details of the 2004 Griggs Wakefest. We will have at least 6 pro riders and several very good local riders. The dates will be August 23 & 24 at the Scioto Boat Club in Columbus. More details to follow soon. We hope that Shaun Murray can make it but with his injury things are not looking good. Eric
WOW not sure how to respond to that one. How about....NOT! LMAO
You can count on me for the Griggs Wakefest, maybe we can get Fatboy to join in and you could get a picture with both of us being pulled by a Nautique. Now that would be something worth framing.
Fatboy -- I will post some pics when I get back from Lake Cumberland and you will understand the comment better. From your earlier posts it seems like we are going along similiar paths. I'm 40 with 2 kids, etc.
Keep us posted on the Wakefest details!
SocBum ------- 2002 SAN <== Current Boat 1987 American Skier Advance <==First Boat